29 July 2012

29. July

I haven't been drawing much, unfortunately, but I did get a couple of requests done.

The top one only took me like a bazillion ages, but that's cool.  It turned out okay considering all the muted color is out of my element.  The other three were for the same person, and they're simple enough.  Made a lot of mistakes in retrospect, but I'm not going back to change them...

In other news: there is no other news!

Rock on.

05 July 2012

Doodling: Ivan

Ehh, Ivan C. LeBlanc.
A character I used to draw all the time,
then I stopped.
But! I've begun again.
He's a little older in these than how I normally draw him,
just because I needed to figure what even he looks like.


Oh look, it's July.

Ouch.  Exactly one month ago I had finals.
It's taking me longer than expected to recover from the school year.
Look forward to some drawings from me.
Also, maybe some written gay porn.
It happens; what can I say?


17 May 2012

May update.

Week eight is nearly done.
Am I happy?  Am I crazy?
God knows.
Physics is kicking my ass, more than usual.
Magnets: how do they work?
Chemistry became descriptive, which is,
while not necessarily hard, very different.
In calculus, we're doing vectors, which is a nice break.
I'm definitely ready for summer, but
I'm going to miss my professors,
and friends,
and playing in the lab.
I'm excited to start my arts again, though.
It's been a long time since I put pencil to paper
that hasn't involved my courses.

I'll check in again soon,

22 April 2012

Week five.

Tomorrow week five begins.
I feel like I'm going to vomit.
I'm so anxious, and lonely, and stressed, and tired.
I just want to cry and sleep.
What the hell is wrong with me?


16 April 2012

Oh look, an art.

So, just some ish that I did.  Gaia ish, that is.  The one isn't finished, clearly.  But someday.  It's very time-consuming to draw.  I miss it.
I think I'll go post some old ish now.
Or maybe later.
Is anyone out there?


Dearest two followers.

This blog here that I have:
Isn't this supposed to be for art and whatever?
Somebody, please: keep me in check.


The voice I never had.

Linkin Park is coming out with a new album, and

For so long, their music has brought me so many emotions.
They speak music on a core level I really connect with.

For now, I'm shuffling through all their albums, reminiscing.
Over the years, a great deal of the music has been very stimulating,
emotionally, creatively.
And even now, I feel overwhelming joy when I listen to these songs.

Also, the sun just came out, which means
time for homework.


15 April 2012

Hell week.

Hell week is over, thank God.
It's seems the third week of every term is extremely busy,
ergo, we call it Hell week.

But really, I've been cut off from the social world since school started again.
It's sad, but I manage.
I think more so than anything, my brain is tired.
I want to sleep.
I want to draw.
I want to knit, sew, bake, garden, exercise, read, write, be, create, work, play, x, y, and z.

Maybe this summer;
maybe never.


25 March 2012

A Rebel Yell.

So, it's the last day of my spring break,
and it flew by so fast.
Bummer, right?
What's more of a bummer is I didn't draw.
So instead of drawing, I'm sitting here blogging.
I lied.  Now I'm drawing.


15 March 2012

March update.

Finals are over; spring break has begun!
So, I'll post my grades once I know them.
So I can say,
I was actually doing something.

I'll be drawing for a week, so expect something.


04 March 2012

St. Pucchi

I'm bored and dresses are really cool.
St. Pucchi's the bomb.

This one's my favorite.  It's INSANE and the front is gorgeous.  Couldn't find a photo though.

These are all from the couture section.



I should be doing homework, but look:
I feel like I should be ashamed, but I'm not.
Also, I fail at proportions.
And, for some reason, Sar looks like a young Sly Stallone.



I sketched this about seven years ago:

I'm recently revisiting it, and this is what happened a couple weeks ago:
I just noticed now that I flipped the whole thing.
I don't really care.
Also, I redrew his eyes completely.
Also:  It's not finished.


I'm blowing up.

Just a little post crazy [because I can.]
How is it people expect you to read their blogs when it's like:


See how shitty that is?



Old stuff: lovebuddies.

I actually like these, even though they're so lame.  
One of these days, I'll scan the origin of these monsters.


It's week ten/ten.
It's been hell.
I'm sorry?

See you soon,

22 January 2012

A little something from chapter one.

I could hear Natsuki griping about something in the other room—probably cooking. She always sucked at cooking. In high school, she tried so hard to make something edible, but every bento got rejected, the poor thing.
“I hope you’re not hungry,” she started cleaning up the meal-that-could-have-been.

-The Boss and I

15 January 2012

It counts, right?

Cool, right?  This is the most drawing I've done all week.
After this week, I hope I'll have more time.
Labs on Wednesday and Thursday, and Physics and Chem exams on Friday.
Buckle up.

Rock and roll,

10 January 2012

Progress (or not)

I caught myself doodling in math class yesterday, which is a thing I said I wouldn't do anymore.
Granted, the lecture was on l'Hôpital's rule. Uh, yeah, cool.
Anyway, I have about a ton of works in progress at the moment, and nothing finished.
I'm working on:
  • A tree. This drawing's going to be bitchin' once I finish it, but the rendering is taking way longer than expected.
  • The "underworld." A drawing of a couple of characters, Anastasia and Sar, but the exciting part is that it's going to be mixed media. Unfortunately still in sketch phase. Actually, it's in several different sketches.
  • The Victoria's Secret series. A series of maybe, hour-long sketches of the fine women in the Victoria's Secret catalogs. So far, it looks like I have thing for Candice. 
 I'm also working on "The Boss and I," but not heavily since classes started.

Rock and roll,

01 January 2012

Pop a little bubbly.

Well, it's 2012, and it's once again apparent to me that I suck at keeping goals I make for myself.
So, no one hundred drawings.
But it's okay, because I have been drawing, and I will say, there's a certain peace about drawing that I've missed.
I really enjoy drawing.
A lot of things I do, I don't enjoy so much.  Motivation is a big factor for me.
For instance, playing piano for me is so that I can play a song as it's meant to sound.
I don't particularly like playing piano.
But drawing!
Drawing isn't about the end product, but the experience getting (or not getting) there.

I love drawing.

So cheers to the new year and new drawings and new and old friends alike!

Rock and roll,