29 July 2012

29. July

I haven't been drawing much, unfortunately, but I did get a couple of requests done.

The top one only took me like a bazillion ages, but that's cool.  It turned out okay considering all the muted color is out of my element.  The other three were for the same person, and they're simple enough.  Made a lot of mistakes in retrospect, but I'm not going back to change them...

In other news: there is no other news!

Rock on.

05 July 2012

Doodling: Ivan

Ehh, Ivan C. LeBlanc.
A character I used to draw all the time,
then I stopped.
But! I've begun again.
He's a little older in these than how I normally draw him,
just because I needed to figure what even he looks like.


Oh look, it's July.

Ouch.  Exactly one month ago I had finals.
It's taking me longer than expected to recover from the school year.
Look forward to some drawings from me.
Also, maybe some written gay porn.
It happens; what can I say?
